CULTEC StormGenie® Design Tool

What is CULTEC StormGenie®?

The CULTEC StormGenie® Design Tool is a complimentary online tool for designing CULTEC Stormwater Systems. Using input system parameters, the tool generates project-specific AutoCAD drawings, reports, and submittals for CULTEC’s Contactor and Recharger Stormwater Systems in seconds!

The user may request an emailed design package of the generated design. The supplied CAD drawing file is fully usable and may be modified and incorporated into existing plans.

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Excellent for creating preliminary system proposals to clients without spending a lot of time.
Quick way to draw accurate system layouts that can be modified into irregular sized beds.
Great for contractors and landscape architects to draw systems for review by an engineer or client.
Ideal for professional looking drawings for bids, conceptual systems or product substitutions.

Generate Accurate, Project-Specific CAD Drawings and Reports


Choose the model you want to specify and input your project’s stormwater design parameters.


Import a PDF background and generate your custom design.


The System Specification Report will show you detailed information about the proposed design.

Request Files

Receive a full design package including drawings and reports sent right to your inbox.

Reports Include:

  • List of Materials for Easy Estimating
  • Bed Area Required
  • Stage-Storage Report
  • Helpful Links

Drawings include:

  • Project-specific layout in CAD and PDF file formats
  • Full Detail Sheet
  • CULTEC’s Internal Manifold System
  • Accurate Center-to-Center Spacing and System Dimensions
  • Dimensional Call-outs
  • Legend and Hatching
  • List of Materials for Easy Take-offs
  • Storage Provided

Need Additional Support? We Can Help.

Our team of stormwater design experts is ready to help bring your concept to reality.
Contact us at: to get started

We encourage you to use our StormGenie Design Tool that has all the latest features. However, are you looking for our classic MS-Excel Stormwater Design Calculator (.xlsm)? Click here

We are able to assist you in your design by performing preliminary calculations and supplying AutoCAD layouts free of charge